Hello world! This is my first blog ever.. so I hope you enjoy. Acutally, this is my second blog.. but I did something wrong with my browser window and the whole thing got deleted.. so I guess it's not technically my first. But I'm getting myself ready to leave for my trip. This week I am working through a list of things to do before I go.. the list is long, my friends. I am at the point though where I am just ready to leave. Most of what I have left to do is calling my insurance company to get prescriptions filled and spending even more money on stuff that I need to bring with me. I'm anxious to just leave, because I know that as soon as I get to the Dominican, I'll be just fine. I hate saying goodbye more than anything, so I'm ready to get that part of my trip over with.
I was looking at some pictures that Bethel students took in the Dominican last year, and all I can say is I'M EXCITED. People have asked me about what I am most looking forward to, and I think that I can finally say that I've figured it out. I am most looking forward to building relationships. I know that is something that my heart beats fast for in everyday life, building real relationships, but it is even more compelling and exciting when thinking about building relationships in this way and in this environment. I am excited to get to know the people that I will be travelling with, but more than that, I can't wait to meet the families that I will be living with and the women I will be serving at the social work site the second seven weeks of my trip.
So ends my first real blog post.. many more to come :)